Software Engineering Project Management

User Experience

Collaborative Discussion

Collaborative Learning Discussion 2: Scanning Exercise and Results

The perception of product qualities and the emotions produced when using the product are part of a holistic perspective of the UX. The authors analysed the perception of products and emotions in the early phases of using those products.

Expectation is a concept mentioned in the article and, in my opinion, plays an important role when using a product. The level of expectations will influence the level of satisfaction. But as with everything, the level of expectations changes over time. During the first days of use of a product, the enjoyment expectations can be increased. However, the levels of initial expectations and the confirmation or reconfirmation of those will determine how future expectations change over time (Kuala & Talya, 2015).

Based on the above, I would include the dynamic expectations changes throughout different phases. Assumptions and experience are important elements, too, but as the level of expectations will depend on another factor, these factors can include the experience and the assumptions. The inclusion of the mentioned elements will force a more dynamic representation of the CUE model components.


Kuala, S. & Talya, M. (2015) The Evolving Role of Expectations in Long-Term User Experience. Academic Mindtrek 167–174. DOI:

Minge, M. & Thuring, M. (2018) Hedonic and Pragmatic Effects at Early Stages of User Experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 109: 13-25. Available from: [Accessed 25 November 2023].