System implementation
You are now required to implement the code designed to support the operation of a driverless car as described in Unit 7. This should be representative of the use case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, and state transition diagram defined in your design document. Please do modify any of the diagrammatic capabilities in response to advancements in your thought process since the design document was submitted, or in response to feedback received.
Please write and test your scripts in Codio using the Python workspace created for you. All code scripts must be documented, explained, and follow best practices. You should ensure that your code is fully tested and provide evidence of your testing. Use Python's assert statement to achieve automated testing, in addition to any other types of testing you believe are useful in this deployment.
Additionally, you should submit a commentary evaluating your approach and reflecting on the development process. This commentary should also be part of your README file/documentation (600 words).
Python code
Commentary document including the readme file
A central part of this assignment was the research on autonomous cars, as I was not aware of the state of the art of this technology. Understanding the functionality of these cars included understanding the sensors involved in the system. These sensors provide the data to the central processor to constitute a perception environment for the car. The central processor has the task of deciding which path is to be followed next, and this is an ongoing activity.
We followed the suggested learned UML standard to support the development process of this application. This has included the design of use cases, state, activity, sequence, and class diagrams.
Rumbaugh, J., Jacobson, I. & Booch, G. (2005) The Unified Modelling Language Reference. 2nd ed. Massachusetts: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.